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  • 在60場演出中,有41場節目票房達100%
  • 欣賞演出及參與周邊活動的觀眾總人數達38,659
  • 本屆藝術節包括6檔世界首演,5檔亞洲首演
  • 共有來自12個國家的藝術家,參與了20檔節目、60場的演出(台灣、日本、韓國、斯里蘭卡、以色列、美國、加拿大、法國、德國、荷蘭、比利時、瑞士)
  • 來自世界各地的海外媒體共有21篇報導
  • 公益活動圓夢計畫共邀請797位觀眾欣賞
  • 61場周邊相關活動,包含21場演前導聆、11場演後座談、9場主題講座、2場快閃活動、1場後台導覽、5場會員活動、9場工作坊、3場簽名會
  • 180,664個臉書讚的鼓勵

2019 TIFA 見!


─ 新加坡聯合早報

“Taiwan International Festival of Arts (TIFA), which has just concluded, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. A 10-year-old art festival, in comparison with other ‘senior’ art festivals with longer history and more renowned reputation, is no doubt nothing but an ‘elementary school student.’ However, that does not affect its excellence and splendor at all. With enough foresights, tastes and braveries, a forward-looking art festival can also create brand-new prospects!”
─ Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore

─ 新加坡聯合早報

“Featuring cross-boundary innovation, avant-garde experiments and inclusiveness of both classic and main stream, [TIFA] showcases the diversity of performing arts as well as the practices and trends of global contemporary arts.”
─ Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore

─ 馬來西亞星洲日報

“Always walking on the forefront, Taiwan International Festival of Arts (TIFA) has been known for being forward-looking and abundant, and thus made an impressive reputation among Asian arts festivals.”
─ Sin Chew Daily, Malaysia

─ 上海澎湃新聞

“TIFA has made the low season high…... Marching into its 10th year, TIFA’s success is obvious to all.”
─ The Paper, Shanghai

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